churchFirst, a Bit of History

Cool Springs Christian Church is one of the oldest churches in Virginia.  Founded in 1775 in the rolling hills of Lunenburg County, Cool Springs has long been a beacon of light to her community.  In the late 19th century, through the preaching of men like Alexander Campbell, Cool Springs affiliated herself with the Restoration Movement of Churches, a non-denominational brotherhood of independent congregations that began as a movement for unity that sought to “restore” the Church as it was in the first century.  Today Cool Springs still follows the Restoration Movement ideal of “no creed but Christ” as we seek to glorify Jesus in all we do, and thereby bring others to His throne of grace.

We Are PeopleDSC_0603

The Church throughout history has always been people.  You cannot confine her to a building and you cannot define her merely by the doctrines she holds.  Cool Springs is people.  We are teachers, farmers, small-business owners and much more.  You will find us at hunt clubs, council meetings or just hanging out at the local country store.  We live and interact in our community because we love our community, and our hope is to bring that community into contact with Jesus Christ.


We Are People Who Love God

What makes us different is our love for God and our desire to please Him and glorify Him in our lives.  At Cool Springs we stress a faith that is active outside of the church building.  Worship is not merely singing songs on Sunday morning, it is living for God every day.  At Cool Springs we stress living in relationship with Jesus and developing an intimate knowledge of God in our hearts and minds.

church people

We Are People Who Love People

Because we love God, we love people.  The core of the Gospel is that God loved people so much that He sent His son to die for them (John 3:16).  If we are to reflect the heart and values of God, we must also love people.  Cool Springs seeks to provide opportunities to love people.  Whether it’s a mission trip to build houses in Mexico, providing food to the local community food pantry, or coming together to help a neighbor in need, there is always something at Cool Springs to do to express our love, as well as God’s love, to the world around us.

We Are a Family

There are many things that make Cool Springs a special place, but one of the most special is that we are a multi-generational church.  It is amazing to see up to four generations of one family attending a worship service together.  The family dynamic is what God ordained from the beginning of time to be the primary tool for bringing up future generations of faithful believers, and Cool Springs seeks to honor that dynamic.  Cool Springs is a place for young and old alike to gather together, learn from one another and encourage each other.  As we do this, we build an intimacy that transcends genetics and we become one large family: God’s family.  If you are looking for a family to belong to, then check us out.  We’d love to have you as part of ours!