In this day where it seems like there are more wars, more human atrocities and more natural disasters than ever before, questions loom large and some point out that this could be the “end times.”
But what are the end times?
What, if any, signs are there that we are living in them?
How are Christians to react to such events?
The final book of the Bible often brings up more questions than it answers. Yet there are some amazing truths that can be mined from its chapters. Throughout the centuries God’s people have been persecuted by a great enemy. Yet, in the face of hardship, imprisonments and even death itself the Church has continued to grow and flourish. It is into such persecution and times of woe the book of Revelation speaks, and its message is important for every Christian to hear: our enemy, The Dragon (AKA Satan), has been slain, and we share in the final victory!
Join us on Sunday nights at 7:00 to hear Dave unravel some of the mysteries of Revelation and learn how you can partake in the slaying of the Dragon.