Sermon Topics

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Christmas Traditions

by dprichmond77

Every family has different traditions surrounding the holiday season. Advent calendars, decorating trees and giving gifts are among the most common. Many of these traditions point us to a deeper understanding of Christmas.  Come join us on Sunday mornings starting November 30 to hear Dave reveal why we do some of the traditions that we […]

Attitude Check

by dprichmond77

Paul told the Philippians to “have this attitude which was in Christ Jesus” right before he gave a poetic description of Jesus’ humility and sacrifice. But what does that look like in the everyday Christian life? What does the world see when it looks at you? Does it see Jesus living and acting in your […]

In the Wilderness

by dprichmond77

Life is hard.  You don’t have to walk long on this earth before you experience pain, heartache, loss or betrayal.  Many times when trouble comes, we find ourselves wandering aimlessly, unsure how to respond or react.  In fact, such times are often filled with questions. “Why is this happening?” “How do I respond?” “Where’s God?” […]

I Am

by dprichmond77

Everybody has an opinion on who Jesus is.  Some say he was a good teacher and others say he was just one of many prophets and still others claim that he was God in the flesh. But what about Jesus?  What did he claim about himself?  Did he even leave the options of just another […]

Money Matters

by dprichmond77

Money. We complain about it, worry over it, and try our best to keep it. In today’s less than stable economy it’s easy to get distracted by money matters.  In fact, sometimes we get so focused on our money, or lack of it, that we lose focus on God. Enter Jesus. Did you know Jesus […]

We All Need Something Better

by dprichmond77

Looking for something better? Better than this world? Better than empty religion? Better than trying to be good enough? Give Jesus a try.  Jesus is better than all these things and so much more.  Starting February 24th, Dave will unpack the book of Hebrews and we will discover at just how much better Jesus is […]